A Letter by Nathan Lopes Cardozo

Nathan Lopes Cardozo

vrijdag 4 juni 2021

Dear “Thoughts to Ponder” and Facebook subscribers, Shalom Uvracha. There are a number of updates and also exciting news I would like to share with you.

I will soon be celebrating my 75th year and I am working on various important and interesting projects, as well as improving the website and weekly emails.

I will also be shifting my focus to issues that I have not dealt with in depth. I will be expanding the traditional scope of my Thoughts to Ponder, as I have already been doing over the past months. These essays have been a very important platform for disseminating my thoughts and philosophy. Please see below, after the remainder of this update, for a review and explanation of what I have been attempting to achieve.

Many readers have asked me questions the answers to which I feel will be of value to everyone, and I will also author short insights for those who prefer shorter essays – all of these will be included in my weekly writings. We have received very positive feedback as well as requests for more of this varied content.

For now, I have called them: (1) Heretical, Unusual and Disturbing Questions and (2) Petite and Remarkable Citations and Questions to Ponder.

I have been asked by many readers to continue my Contemplative Spiritual Autobiography: Faith and Defiance, The Journey of a Religious Rebel. I have already included a small section of this in my weekly emails but was forced to take a pause owing to the Corona crisis. I will be returning to it now particularly since many readers have benefitted greatly from these essays, owing to the fact that I have grounded them on my own personal and often complicated life. Currently, these will not necessarily be authored in chronological sequence but rather as individual stories and insights; when I publish the series in book form, it will then form a unified sequential unity. See here for the essays so far and to understand more about my journey in authoring this series.

I am also very busy with other exciting projects: our website is undergoing revamping and redesigning, more content from the past is being added, including videos, and all the site’s content is being made more accessible.

I am working on Cardozo on the Parashah, a book series on the weekly Torah portion. So far, we have published two volumes with essays primarily on philosophical issues indirectly related to Bereshit and Shemot. I am now working on the next books of the Chumash, and I will send my readers independent sections not necessarily related to specific weekly parashot.

Furthermore, I am happy to share that a Hebrew translation of what I believe to be my magnum opus, Jewish Law as Rebellion: A Plea to Religious Authenticity and Halachic Courage, is underway in response to the overwhelming requests for a Hebrew edition.

We will keep you informed of other projects. I hope that you all benefit from these changes and additional pursuits.

With warmest regards, may you be blessed.

See below for more explanation.

The Philosophy and Purpose of Thoughts to Ponder

As many of you know, I have been sending my “Thoughts to Ponder” essays weekly, without exception, for over ten years to thousands of email subscribers and many more people received them via other media. My essays have also been published in news outlets such as the Jerusalem Post and Times of Israel, and more recently on Facebook.

The Thoughts to Ponder were the result of ‘out of the box’ thinking and were often highly controversial. I have tried to touch on issues that were ignored or even denied in the religious Jewish community, often because these challenged conventional religious notions that I felt needed more attention and a different approach. But often these thoughts have also contested secular and philosophical ideas.

In these Thoughts to Ponder I have called for new approaches and sought to show that Judaism holds treasures of which most religious Jews are unaware, or which they believe are unacceptable despite being deeply rooted in classical Judaism. I’ve used these treasures as points of departure for new ideas by pushing the borders, something which has always been done in the long history of Judaism. However, in our contemporary times this approach has been rejected more or less, primarily out of fear of the new and often as an expression of ‘small-thinking’.

Overall, religious Judaism has stagnated, and no longer expresses its dynamism and its organic nature – traits that kept it alive for thousands of years. This inertia has done much harm. It has led smart young people to leave the fold. Others have become religiously fanatical and have come to misrepresent Judaism’s great moral and religious values; these people have given Judaism a bad name.

I have made it clear that we need creative thinking on all levels of Judaism. To accomplish this, we do not need more Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform Judaism of old. Rather, we need to rethink and reformulate Judaism while still holding on to our traditional sources.

While I do not agree with some (fundamental) ideas and ideologies of the Conservative and Reform, I do believe that there is much to learn from them. Some of the more conservative voices within these denominations have greatly furthered a better appreciation of Judaism’s attitudes and ideologies and have related to certain issues that confronted the modern world and Jews in a manner that I believe even Orthodox Judaism could agree.

Moreover, some of their critique on normative Orthodoxy today is correct and a new form of Orthodoxy should take these critiques very serious. There should also be more collaboration between these streams of Judaism, since, while there are fundamental differences between them, they have much in common that may help advance authentic Judaism. They need to grow closer without denying their differences; while this is not an easy undertaking, I believe it is possible and I hope to expand on that.

This ‘rethinking of Judaism’ is especially true now that the State of Israel has become an undeniable factor in the Jewish community in and outside of Israel. The existence of Israel has radically changed the roadmap on which Jewish Tradition should be traveling.

Nowhere is this truer than in Halacha. While Halacha over the past 2,000 years developed under artificial conditions, in which its main purpose was to preserve the Jewish people and Judaism under foreign and often hostile circumstances, the establishment of the State of Israel has changed this in far-reaching ways. To continue to travel on the old road is a mistake; new guidelines are necessary.

Halacha needs to be liberated from this ‘Galut mentality’ – a process that may prove complicated but surely can be done. This is not something that can be done overnight. One of the first steps will be to convince the official rabbinates in Israel and throughout the world of the necessity of this process.

In addition, there is a great need to represent Judaism as a deeply religious phenomenon, in which mere conformism, religious contentment, and complacency have no place. Judaism must be a realm that even the doubter and the agnostic can call home.

I have discussed all these matters in my book Jewish Law as Rebellion: A Plea for Religious Authenticity and Halachic Courage, Urim Publications, 2018.

My Thoughts to Ponder have given rise to a lot of discussion and fierce debates on the internet, in blogs, and other media. These thoughts have been praised, but obviously also condemned and disparaged (especially by the Orthodox establishment). None of this has ever bothered me nor made me hold back when I believed my thoughts were justified and were written out of great concern and respectfully. I have also learned a lot from honest critique and have taken this into account in my writings. I have always insisted that others are entitled to their own views.

I have also written many essays explaining the significance of the State of Israel which is by far the greatest miracle in modern times. I have used different arguments to show that Israel is a real phenomenon that cannot be explained within the conventional historical approach, but only through the prophetic tradition. This also explains the strong opposition to Israel’s existence and the reoccurrence of antisemitism today, and it indicates why we should be so proud of belonging to this great nation, which has had such enormous influence on the history and the progress of our world.

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